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The Texas Emergency Services Retirement System (TESRS) is a state agency that administers a pension System for emergency services departments across the state. In addition to retirement benefits, active members are covered by survivor and disability benefits and may be eligible for a tuition benefit. Our mission is to support the brave men and women who serve our communities by providing them with financial security and peace of mind.
What is TESRS?
Public retirement system created in 1977 that provides a comprehensive system of benefits for volunteer, part paid, paid firefighters and emergency services personnel
9 Member Board of Trustees appointed by the Governor
Contributions are paid by the local governing body on behalf of the members
Employs Investment Managers, Consultants, Accountants, Actuaries, and Fund Custodians
•$120 Million Pooled Investment Fund
•3,642 Active Members
•3,865 Retirees And Beneficiaries
•17,719 Vested And Non-vested Members
Government Code Title 8 – Public Retirement Systems Subtitle H – TESRS Providing emergency services departments the opportunity to financially reward members for their years of dedicated service.
Contact TESRS
Texas Emergency Services Retirement System
P.o. Box 12577, Austin TX 78711
Ph: 512-936-3372 or TOLL Free: 800-919-3372; Fax 512-983-3480